AL Zaman Foundation

This organization

Al Zaman Foundation is a registered non-profit organization headquartered in Karachi, Pakistan. Dedicated to fostering welfare, human development, and social progress, we actively engage in on-the-ground initiatives across Pakistan to support and uplift impoverished communities. What sets Al Zaman Foundation apart is our grassroots approach, allowing us to access areas beyond the reach of many NGOs. To achieve our goals, we offer diverse range of services and collaborate with various charity organizations and similar.

One such organization is “Friends Of Al Zaman Inc” which is a US based charity that supports the welfare, human development, and social activities conducted by Al Zaman Foundation on the ground. Additionally, it conducts welfare, human development, and social activities at regional level. Facts about the Friends Of Al Zaman Inc are as follows:

Legal Entity: It is a corporation established under the laws of the State of Florida, per doc number N24000002076.

Employer Identification Number (EIN): EIN 99-1261400, Issued by IRS  (on 02-09-2024).

Tax-exempt Status: It is organized under 501(c)(3) of IRS Code, granting tax exempt status as a charity, enabling donors to deduct donations from taxable income. As of March 8, 2024 FOAZI is awaiting approval for non-profit status.

Friends Of Al Zaman Inc.

Board of Directors ( in USA)

Board of Directors

Rashid Wasiuddin

President, Director of Operations


Muhammed Khilji

Treasurer, Accountant


Mahmud Ahmed, MD
